What is Domperidone?
Domperidone is a Anti-sickness medicine Basically Doctors prescribe this medicine for Dizziness, nausea and vomiting. It can be used in after vomit and pre-vomit symptoms. This medicine is useful for both children and adults.
How Domperidone works in body..?
It blocks Area postrema (D2 Receptors or chemoreceptors trigger zone).
Who should Avoid Domperidone ?
Women who breast feed their baby and pregnant women should avoid this medicine.
How to take domperidone ?
under age of 2 years - 1ml of Domperidon Drops twice a day.
For Adults: 10mg or 20 mg Tablet twice a day.
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Warning: Given information for study purpose only. Please Do not take any medicine without consulting a Professional Doctor.
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